Saturday, April 2, 2011

(WICKED cool! i found a way to get it ALL!)


Dae.Dreamer said...

"We know our users love their pets dearly, so shortly pets will no longer be returned to the shelter after fifteen days of neglect."

Just an excerpt from the latest announcement.

I have nothing to add. I'm just REALLY disgusted.

Dae.Dreamer said...

Ok so I made a post at Foo re: the newest change. Someone, of course, immediately flagged it inappropriate. The post received a few positive responses, then POOF! The entire thread was gone. Wth?

I am SO angry I'm to the point of tears. Why oh why didn't I copy and save that post? I swear I'd have reposted it. They could have suspended me. That would have been the boost I needed to finally leave that joke of a site.

When my son wakes up, we're going to discuss leaving FP. It's gotten completely out of control when a person can't even speak their mind.

My son and I put so much money into that site. I worked hard to get that gold star. Blah, blah, blah. How can I stay and have any kind of respect for a site that has NO respect for me?


eatapeach55 said...

@Dae: Why disgusted? This is what the masses on FooPets have been whining for for eons - for pets not to be sent to the shelter if their owner can't get online for an extended period of time. Actually, I find it less deplorable than taking the pet from the account and putting it in the shelter where it will no doubt be fixed (as most older pets are the ones that land up there because they've been age accelerated for breeding when they were first gotten new) and then neglected for an eternity. Also, the pet isn't going to "starve" as the FooSam will still be making a visit. The biggest problem I see with this new change is the availability of owners to abandon their accts. and save FDs or FGs on food &/or meds by getting the Sam to come. But for those people (usually children who land up getting grounded), they don't have to open their accounts to others to scrape points off them by having to let others care for their pets out of fear that if they loose access to the acct. for a while (due to grounding or suspension) they won't come back to a pet-less account.
Peach :o)~

Dae.Dreamer said...

I see your point but I still don't believe it was a well thought out change. Much like all the others. I think FMJ should have created a whole other site/section of FooPets for kids. Other sites have no problems doing that.

Pushing older members out and changing virtually everything to suit kids is what is really disgusting to me. Plus, there was no reason on earth for my post there to be deleted. I so hope that someone, somewhere creates a site that will one day blow FooPets out of the water. I'll be their first member.

Things as they are, I'm done. As long as I decide to stay a member, I'll be caring for my pets only and helping my son out with his, until he decides to leave.

I do hope that whatever the good folks here and on other off-site forums are trying to do to make things better at FP, succeed. However, I sadly won't be involved in any of it anymore. Could just be my depression talking, but I see it all as a pointless battle and I'm done fighting it.

Take care ya'll. It's been real.


Mischief Kitty said...

I don't mind this new change too much. People that have sunk real money into the site to buy pets shouldn't lose them due to real life keeping them offline for extended periods of time. Dae, I'm sorry to see you go and I hope you and your son find another site that gives you both enjoyment. I know I found mine at SPP and only stop by Foo a few times a week to check in with friends.

Oh, and if there was one change I would really REALLY like to see, it would be for them to change how the Inappropriate flag works. I've been an admin on several forums and never ever did we have a setup where a post was deleted because enough members hit the 'inappropriate' or 'report post' button. An admin or moderator should be notified to check the post and make the decision.

GOLD RUSH said...

...reworking Forums, with unbiased moderators being the only ones entitled to delete a comment or thread - and even there, with a court of appeal above them - is one of the things we are working for...the only flags should be for "inappropriate", and those would not delete the post but send it to the mods for review - and frivolous or vengeful flagging would rebound on the flagger.

the overall consensus seems to be that this new move was motivated by overpopulation at the FooShelter more than out of any real consideration for member sensibilities...good time to make another "magnanimous" and self-serving gesture and reinstitute FooGem Fridays.

while i'm not a big Forum person, i don't recall ever seeing any major outcry about the Sams repo'ing pets ignored for 15 days - and then available for reclaiming for another 7 before going public. being cared every 5 days for eternity does NOT strike me as a better alternative...if people take the precaution of having out-of-foo contact with at least one friend, there are plenty of fostering alternatives - and as far as youngsters getting suspended or grounded, that seldom lasts for over 3 weeks (ours being a politically-inspired exception), so they wouldn't lose their pets anyway, provided they are willing to make the effort to reclaim them. the only ones who generally lose their pets permanently are the ones who have ALREADY been neglecting them so that the Sams have a head start - which drastically limits my sympathy.

Dae, i know it still seems dark...and i respect your need to step back, but please don't give up. regardless of the possible ulterior motives and lack of full consideration behind this latest change, it IS one of the first in recent memory that does not directly penalize members. let's hope it's the beginning of a trend.

Dae.Dreamer said...

I wasn't planning on leaving FooPets, at least not just yet. I was, however, sick to death of the forums and the outright brutality of some of the moderators. That kind of behavior is not only unprofessional, cruel, and provoking; it also gives permission to every other member to behave the same way. I'm tired of giving my opinion only to be spoken to like a two-year-old. And I get threatened and deleted more than once for speaking up for myself. Pfft! Let the children have the forums.

After a few conversations with, Lainee, however, things seems to have lightened up some. At least toward me. Still, I have little desire to be in any forums on or off site and that just makes me more disillusioned, as I have always enjoyed the forums.

Although, with the onslaught of toddlers and teens, the forums aren't even worth "trolling" anymore. Foo should never have kicked their older members to the curb as they have. And unless they get hit by lightening and somehow remember us, I don't see the site getting any better at all.

And I'm sorry, but the latest change is one of the worst yet, in my humble opinion. It took the last little bit of "game" out of the game. It literally removes, for me, the long-ago idea behind the site in the first place. Responsible pet care. And the way the announcement is worded, unless it's been changed, further churns my stomach.

Basically, we can "neglect" and abandon our pets anytime, for as long as we like and we will never be penalized in any way. Here, let me try that with my rl pets. Ugh. (Yeah, I know it's "only a game.") Caring for your pets is supposed to be the whole idea of the "game." If you can't do it for whatever reason, you get someone else to. Make sure you're "hooked up" with a friend or two who will look out for you and them in case you don't get a chance to alert anyone.

I don't want to hear about kids getting sidetracked or grounded or whatever. Everyone who joins FooPets is supposed to have at least some understanding of the game and its "rules."

In my opinion, that's the trouble with even rl today. Kids get too many breaks when they make mistakes or poor choices. There's rarely any real consequences for anything anymore. And catering to a child's every whim teaches them nothing either.

In every other game I'm aware of, if you don't play the game "by the rules," you lose. At Foo, they just change the rules.

Don't bother "reading me my rights." I've already heard every opinion imaginable and gotten every negative feedback I can get for my opinion on this. It is what it is. I am what I am.

I'm hoping the "changing of the guard" is a positive one that brings about some positive change, noticeable positive change. But I am one who is not holding her breath.

I still don't understand why they didn't just create a section of FooPets for the younger set and keep the "original" original. I know of at least a dozen other game sites that have done that. It can't be that difficult, at least no more so than everything they're doing now. And they'd have a LOT less angry members too.

So that's my opinion, perhaps a tad emotional, but my opinion nonetheless.

And I'd like to see them remove all the crap off the play page too. Especially the newest edition: the scene stealing blue bar. *sigh*

GOLD RUSH said...

we're with you on all of those...Forums, site segmenting, MORE responsibility rather than less (instead of removing penalties, we are advocating offering incentives for better care, especially of personal pets), and fighting ALL the unnecessary nonsense that needs to get off the Play page - the Adopt tab, the Scenes tab (with that separate again, there'd BE no "decorator"), which would leave plenty of space for the Care Bar below the scene where it belongs...and to lose that absurd, pet-distracting "hand".
we're still in there pitching.

Dae.Dreamer said...

*Big Sigh* Thank you. :oD

Mischief Kitty said...

Between the attitude of FooMojo and the attitude of the members, I'm not really sure that there is anything worth fighting for so I'm done with FooPets. I wish you luck and I hope in time they make some changes for the better of the members that are left.

GOLD RUSH said...

oh, dear...we'll miss you. i'll stay in touch, and thank you for all your help and input. let us know if you need any pets taken in...

eatapeach55 said...

Holy Cat Shit, Batman!!! What the hell happened??? Like you, I was off for a bit and came back to FP and it was like I got stuck in the cotton candy bin at the carnival! And a Red Husky? Please - you made us wait, what? almost 7 months, and that's what you came out with??? Something that is a takeoff on a pet that's already out there and is just basically a color change? It's well done, but still, not what I was hoping to see - was hoping for all that wait we'd see a new breed :( And the removal of the Role Playing is going to piss off a lot of the younger ones (not that I'm going to miss seeing any of them go away!), but judging from some of the posts in there, I can understand the removal of it. And what the hell is up with the point system? Hope that's just a glitch due to the change over - just bought 3 of the new pet (2 for me and one for my special friend) and got 5 pts. each for InstaCare. That sucks a BIG ONE! And this is what I'm paying for Club for??? And is the new pet available to everyone? Thought Clubbers were supposed to get first day dibs? (I don't have a non-club acct. to see if non-club can purchase so I'll hold my water on that one). Not liking this crap too much at all - if this is the result of the admin listening to the membership, I'll take the old crap over this any day. If the color scheme stays, going to have to give this up post haste!
Peach :o)~

Mischief Kitty said...

I logged in to get my daily allowance and see what the thing with the new color scheme was, and I found a lot more than just Roleplaying missing...

I've attached a screenshot of the forums that now come up for me -

Not that it matters much to me but jeez, they're taking spring cleaning to an extreme.

eatapeach55 said...

@MKitty - think it was just taking a bit to repopulate the forums as all of them now show up for me (minus Role Play); hoping that the point and care glitch is just a result of the changes on the site and it'll get situated shortly.
Peach :o)~

40dede said...

there is an option to this hideous color scheme...tell me how to email you and I will give you the details. 40dede

eatapeach55 said...

I am on that! ;)

40dede said...

you can check out browser add your version of the browser might make a difference but I was able to add one called "color that site" to firefox and one called "change colors" in chrome

GOLD RUSH said...

still sorting through all the changes...they sure perfected the art of throwing so much at you at once that it's nearly impossible to take it all in, much less deal with any one thing effectively.

buried in all the flash, the little remark about stat they’re “locking” the stats? way to go, guys, now that the horse is out of the barn – now our pets who lost greens due to the Ultras can NEVER build them back up as the Ultras throw boomerang offspring and are absorbed into the average.
make ‘em something a pet EARNS through good care – or get rid of them altogether. there’s NO other fair solution.

good to know that we can "fix" the page colors ourselves...but why should we have to? (by the way, i didn't even know Chrome HAD add-ons - big thankx, Dee!)

what intrigues me most is the apparent attempt to alienate the ClubFoo people...wonder if they plan to alter or phase it out?

GOLD RUSH said...

(also, there's a new sticky about the new gems/points schedule - with clever hedging about retracting it...and "Feedback" surveys in both CF and regular Forums.)

GOLD RUSH said...

Dee - just played with that color swap thingie...that's the most fun i've had here in a while! i'd almost thank them for the opportunity - but not where they could hear me.